Rev. Richard Donavon Jacobs is originally from Munford, Alabama (U.S.A.) in Talladega County, but currently resides in Auburn, Alabama (U.S.A). Growing up in a Christian home, he attended Living By Faith Ministries, in Oxford, AL under the leadership of his Spiritual Father Senior Pastor - Apostle Bob McClain. He later united in membership with the Mt. Traveler Missionary Baptist Church in Waverly, Alabama (U.S.A.) under the leadership of Rev. B.C. Datiri. At Mt Traveler Missionary Baptist Church, after much "kicking against the prick”, Rev. Jacobs accepted the call from God into ministry and was licensed as an Evangelist and Minister of the Gospel in 2011 and Ordained in the Gospel Ministry in 2016. There he served as the Outreach & Evangelism Minister (2012 -2015), where he led in Evangelizing, Outreaching and Missions to our City, State, Country, and World. In this role Rev. Jacobs was an avid Out-Reacher visiting and ministering to the local community, community/Church sick and shut-in, nonactive Church members and local jailed inmates. He also participated with many local area Outreach Programs and Churches including "The Way 2 Serve Ministries" (Opelika, AL) where he served as the Compassion and Relationship Builder Follow-Up team Coordinator, respectfully. Rev. Jacobs also serves in the Ebenezer District Baptist Association (Camphill, Al) over the Minister's Affairs. Rev. Jacobs' main passion is Evangelism, in spreading the story of Jesus Christ to anyone who has not heard it and in making Disciples.
In January 2016, Rev. Jacobs became the Interim Pastor of the New Popular Springs Missionary Baptist Church (Dadeville, AL). In May 2016, Rev. Richard D. Jacobs was elected as Pastor, succeeding Senior Pastor Rev. Lindsey Torbert. He has been Blessed with a Spiritual Partner, by way of Dakar Senegal his wife; Mrs. Khady Berthe Jacobs, whom he Loves and Thank God for. Mrs Khady has her undergraduate and Masters Degree in Sports Management from Auburn University in Montgomery (A.U.M.) and currently works with youth physical education and is a tennis instructor. She has a calling to minister to children and share with them the Love of God. From this union God has blessed them with a daughter, Miss. Amila Christinie and a son, Mr Donavon Sidiki.
Affectionately known as "Rev. Donnie”, Rev. Jacobs ministry Dream and Goal is fashioned around his call to proclaim the life changing Power of Jesus the Christ in practical means seen in everyday life. He also desires to provide opportunities for the needs of our "neighbors” to be met. He is being equipped with the right tools and viewpoint to effectively reach the unsaved and involve the entire body of Christ in friendship evangelism! He envisions seeing all born-again believers coming to the fullness of the truth, learn their spiritual ability and giftedness and use it for the Glory of God. He dreams of this because if this happens the Body of Christ will grow healthily by reaching the lost and winning souls - by being an effective witness in the Earth. Rev. Jacobs was able to see this dream formulate when he participated with the leadership of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and their crusade and evangelistic efforts in Alabama's Lee County. In his own city where many know about Jesus but have lapsed in their walk, Rev. Jacobs has led home evangelistic outreach, prison ministries and initiated partnerships with other local Christian organizations to meet the needs of the community. He constantly asks for prayer for this reproducing part of the church in making more disciples as well as helping those who have deserted the faith to return to their first Love!
Rev. Jacobs combines a passionate yet powerful preaching style while convincingly presenting the Gospel to illicit a spiritual response from the heart. He brings the maturity and demeanor of the traditional Missionary Baptist Preacher, with his love of Traditional Hymns and Gospel, while still moving the Church into the Technological and ever evolving 21st century. With a strong emphasis on teaching, equipping, mentoring and maturing through the Preaching and Studying of the Word of God, Rev. Jacobs is currently studying at Christian Leaders Institute (C.L.I.) to obtain his Diploma of Divinity in Biblical Studies. He has earned his Commissioned Pastoral Diploma and Diploma of Ministry with a focus on Pastoral and Christian Leadership with magna cum laude honors with a gpa of 3.941. He has also earned his Advanced Diploma of Ministry with a focus on Evangelism and Missions. Rev. Jacobs has done research studies in conjunction with Calvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI), Trinity Christian College (Palos Heights, Illinois), Christian History Institute (Worcester, PA), Beeson Divinity School of Samford University (Birmingham, AL), Luther Seminary (St. Paul, MN), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC), Western Theological Seminary (Holland, MI), Multiplication Network Ministry (Sauk Village, IL) and the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE). Rev. Jacobs began with C.L.I in the early part of its' beginning during which he took the online class - Discipleship and Evangelism Training that revived his faith and spurred him towards his call. Rev. Jacobs is listed Globally as Ordained for Ministry in The C.L.I. Christian Leaders Directory with his Christian Leaders Ordination and Officiant Ordination Certificate. He also serves as a Mentor Minister on the Christian Leaders Alliance Board.
With this Ministry Training and Education, Rev. Jacobs seeks to prepare himself fully for the role of Christian Leadership in the local Church involving its Worship, Ordinances, Disciplines and Doctrines. He also desires to bring the gained knowledge and wisdom back to the local Church, surrounding Church districts and all Christians to fully prepare them for using their abilities and gifts in Christian Ministry. As a proud Alumnus, financial supporter, and featured story for the Free Ministry Training Cause of Christian Leaders Institute, Rev. Jacobs seeks to assist C.L.I in fulfilling its mission of training 100,000 leaders by 2020!! He is a witness that C.L.I. is strengthening the Church one leader at a time!!