2024-2025 School Year

New Popular Springs Missionary Baptist Church
4853 N. Thornton Road Dadeville, Alabama 36853
Rev. Richard D Jacobs, Pastor

We are excited as a Church to partner with both Parents and Students for this 2024-2025 school year. We want to be a secondary resource after your school system, aiding in supplemental tutoring support for all classes and grades. Also, if you have wifi limitations, we want to assist our students.

We also have provided some resources from our teachers and school administrators to assist you during this time. Access those resources by going to: www.newpopularspringsdadeville.org/students

Join Us In Prayer For A Successful 2024-2025 School Year!


NPS Parents, We are excited to be celebrating all of our students this year in the class of 2025 during our Annual Youth  & Young Adults Day!
The "Students Caught Doing Good Program" student recognition will be held on SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2025 at 10:30am during Youth & Young Adults Day.

All parents and students are asked to complete the form below (Submissions can also be made to Sis Lisa Rowe) so that we are able to recognize all of our students. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 2025.

Congratulations to all of our graduates!!!!