Wednesday Bible Study

Join Us For Bible Study Every Wednesday.

Wednesday  11:30am - 12:30pm (In-Person Only)
Wednesday 5:30pm (Online Only)

Join our Wednesday Bible study class every Wednesday. Our Bible study is biblically based and doctrinally sound focusing on the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).

*Bible Study is Suspended for the Revival Months of June, July and August

Our current Bible Study Series is a (4) part Bible Study entitled Christian Commitment.
You can download the full Bible Study Lessons here:  DOWNLOAD NOW

NPS Bible Study  “Christian Commitment”  

Part 1: Faithful Commitment to a Faithful God

Part 2: The Cross and Our Commitment 

Part 3: Totally Committed

Part 4: Being Committed and Devoted

Join us in this 4 part Bible study series entitled “Christian Commitment”. We will consider the  faithfulness of God and how He calls us to sacrifice for Him. We will also see that this total and devoted commitment to Christ isn’t without its own suffering.
There is a call for committed believers, will you answer?


Part 3: Totally Committed

Lesson Outline:

Week 1: Recap and Introduction to Part 3 Totally Committed 

Week 2: Totally Committed

Week 3: The Scriptural Meaning of Commitment

Week 4: Total Commitment To God

Week 5: Romans 12:1 - Total Commitment Is Presenting Ourselves As A Living Sacrifice To God

Week 6: Romans 12:2 – Total Commitment Means Being Totally Transformed

Week 7: Romans 12:6 – Total Commitment Means Requiring Different Gifts, According To The Grace

Week 8: Romans 12:8 – Total Commitment Means Serving…Teaching

Week 9: Romans 12:9 – Total Commitment Means To Hate What Is Evil

Week 10: Review Questions and Discussion (Questions 1-4)

Week 11: Review Questions and Discussion (Questions 5-7 / Discussion Question)


Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join Pastor Jacobs each Wednesday night for online Bible study class.